Manager Training Seminars

Affordable Property Manager Training the FGA way!

For decades, even before software was in widespread use, FGA has conducted training seminars to update every resident manager on the most recent HUD regulations and revise our policies to ensure our managed properties remain in compliance.

Today, FGA embraces this tradition of immersive training in three ways:

  • Multi-day offsite seminars – typically held at a hotel or resort
  • Onsite hands-on training at our properties
  • Online training opportunities through our suppliers and associations

Compliance is mandatory. Having fun learning is essential.
Everyone agrees that learning new rules and regulations is essential, but it is not always fun. At FGA, we go out of our way to bring some fun into the learning experience.

In-person seminars do more than build knowledge and skills; they build lasting friendships.
FGA Mini Seminars are conducted 2 to 3 times per year, as well as an Annual Seminar. These seminars focus on all aspects of HUD compliance. Our Annual Seminar also has a section dedicated to the systems used by onsite staff, allowing for an overview of the training.

Recent Seminar topics include:

  • Occupancy & Compliance Training
  • Customer Service Best Practices
  • RealPage® OneSite Software
  • Fair Housing Laws
  • Difficult Resident Policy
  • HUD Regulatory Changes

Onsite hands-on tutoring training at our properties keeps everyone up to date.
Buildings are visited monthly by the Occupancy Specialist to provide time for the Property Manager and/orAssistant Property Manager to ask questions or work through problems they might have.

The FGA Operations team also visits the staff to dive deeper with one-on-one training. At FGA, we are focused on efficient, time-saving tools. Technology has allowed for streamlining many different aspects of day-to-day operations, such as the waitlist and work orders.

At FGA, phone and email assistance is always available. Technical and systems training is also provided within the first two weeks of hire and as needed.

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